
We develop world-class risk management capabilities by providing expert advice, guidance and implementation support across the full spectrum of financial and non-financial risk domains. Our teams of industry practitioners, ex-regulators and expert consultants work with clients to develop risk strategy, risk frameworks and policies, risk models and organisational capabilities in response to market pressures and regulatory initiated change across the financial services sector.

Regulatory Advisory Services

Specialists in developing regulatory strategy and shaping regulatory change portfolios in response to the constantly evolving regulatory landscape. Our experts, in both conduct and prudential regulation, manage the regulatory change lifecycle from horizon scanning and impact assessment through to implementation and attestation.

We also work in partnership with our Assurance teams we also help banks to define robust attestation frameworks for compliance risk.

Enterprise Risk Services

Specialists in the design and implementation of risk strategy, risk frameworks, policies and governance models to address clients’ enterprise risk challenges. We support banks through capital and liquidity assessments and provide balance sheet optimisation advice to maximise returns on scarce financial resources.

We also design and deliver comprehensive solutions for enterprise stress testing, funding/valuation resolution, as well as providing specialists resource to support specific regulatory exercises.